Why Universities Need To Prepare Students For The New AI World

Artificial intelligence is increasingly embedded in our consumer and business lives, and it is poised to transform how societies function in the years to come. Yet universities are not adequately preparing students for a changing world. To better prepare students for a changing world, AI needs to be increasingly embedded into higher education.
For students, AI will inevitably impact their careers. Those interested in careers in AI could pursue a wide range of exciting new career possibilities focused on data science, machine learning or advanced statistics. And, even students not focused on AI would benefit from a sound education in artificial intelligence and familiarity with working with machines.
The AI era will inevitably create new job types, ranging from machine regulators to emotion engineers. To succeed, all students will need to understand, at least at a high level, how machines perform. In addition, they should better equip themselves to do what machines cannot do.
Moreover, traditional roles such as business analyst, sales, human resources and others will be augmented by AI, requiring a new degree of proficiency for front-line staff to interact with machines. Executives and managers will need to work with machines in strategic decision-making and problem-solving roles.
McKinsey predicts that AI will replace up to 800 million jobs by 2030. That’s a drastic reshaping of the workforce — and one that universities can and should help students prepare for. While some schools have world-class AI and technology programs, others have ample room for improvement.

  • 8/29/2018